July 8, 2012

[LIFE] My pocket list for coffee

Exploring different coffee shops around L.A has become my new habit since I studied here. Although I was not really good at tasting the quality of coffee, I always like to indulge in the ambience of a coffee house. Just sitting there makes my mind peaceful, and good for studying too haha. I didn't have a lot of chances to explore coffee houses in Taiwan because there're too many cheap beverage I can have instead of coffee. But here, the most convenient drink you can have must be "coffee", no doubt.

So I'm gonna introduce some nice spots to go for a cup of coffee, or a piece of peace:)


Urth Caffe

451 S Hewitt St
Los Angeles, CA 90013    

This is the first coffee shop I visited in L.A. Seems like people who study at USC must go to this place because they always take you there. (Maybe because of its location?)
Well, my first impression for Urth caffe is very good, because the barista gave my a cute little bird on my latte :) I hope one day they'll give me a bear or a hello kitty instead of a regular twitter bird.
This place is full of noise and people which I don't recommend for studying. People go there for chatting with their friends or having some romantic moments, definitely not for studying. 
My favorite drink here is green tea latte. I like the aroma a lot even though it is too sweet ( you must order ahaif-sugar).

Bricks & Scones

402 N Larchmont Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90013    

If you are searching for a place for studying, Bricks & Scones must be your top choice because there's an entire area for studying only.
A lot of people study there so it's hard to find a seat sometimes. The place even provides its customers desk lights and outlets which I think is very thoughtful. And you can stay there all day long because it has a variety of beverages and food as well. I guess that's why it's always hard to find a seat.
To be honest, I can't remember the taste of its coffee, but its panini is really yummy.
Ohh..another reason I like this place is its decoration. I really like its decoration from outside to inside. As seen in the picture (from Yelp), the second story in the house and the chandelier make it different from other coffee houses.

The OC Mart Mix
3313 Hyland Ave

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

This is the furthest coffee house I've been but it's totally worth it. I went there to meet my friend who stayed in Irvine for few days. I didn't know how to taste a coffee before, but after tasting so many different coffees, I think I'm capable of distinguishing how good or bad the coffee is now. The coffee here is very strong and makes you sleepless at night if you can't handle caffeine. I ordered a iced Latte. It was thick and I can smell the aroma even if it was iced. I can feel it was pretty strong too. But personally, I never lose my sleep for coffee. It never affects me no matter how much I drink. 

Most people recommend Kyoto iced coffee because it is dripped (not normally brewed), and it takes a long time to produce one cup of coffee, so it's easily sold-out too. I didn't get to drink one because it was sold out , and my friend told me the dripped iced coffee is stronger than others. 

The fun thing of this coffee shop is that each barista dresses like a doctor (wearing a white robe) and they make the place looks like a lab. If you're a coffee expert,
you can even get to choose what kind of coffee bean you want for your coffee.

55 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91103

This place is already quite famous because it was selected as " the Best of Los Angeles" by LA weekly. 
The Latte art is what I like, and the taste of coffee is undoubtedly more than good.  
But the weird thing is, I didn't see a lot of people drinking coffee there, more people drank wine. haha
In the back of this store, they have a bar serving beer and wine too. Are you sure this place is only good for coffee?
well, I'm not a wine lover so I guess I wouldn't know the answer. 
But I may not go to this place often because it doesn't have wifi and no outlets too. 
As a nerd, I can't like a coffee house without WIFI!! I always spend my entire afternoon in a coffee shop with my MAC, either browsing or doing homework. Haha
No wifi is a big sign of "NO" when I choose a coffee shop. 


(ps. Most of the above photos are downloaded from Yelp.)

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