July 22, 2012

[FOOD] Tiffany's pocket list for brunch


My cousin took me here once when I just arrived LA. 
Last month I went back again for almond croissant, you just cannot miss it! 
Such a nice little place if you wanna enjoy SoCal sunshine in the daytime. 

But seems like all the LA people wanna get tanned, the only vacant seat was indoor as we got there. 

The first amazing thing is : They serve FREE baguette with olive oil & balsamic vinegar at the beginning. 
I always miss the baguette in France so much, this one is really authentic! 
You can come here and just order a drink, and eat as much as you want :P 
But then you will realize it is impossible as u wanna try every item on the menu. 
Dessert !!!
Usually french toast or eggs benedict is my preferable choice for brunch.
I heard the benedict here is really good so I ordered wild mushroom benedict. Mmmm delish!

Ohhh and my favorite...English Breakfast Tea! 
Their tea bag is super cute, to fully expand the tea leaf, the bag looks like a tiny pyramid.
Friend J took TOO MANY photos of the tea bag so I was really thirsty...I was like...hello? my tea is getting cold!!! Don't do that next time.
Their benedict is so DELISH that I wanna go back just for this! 
Love the fresh mushroom and two slices triangle brioche  with some sweetness in it. 
The most charming of French breakfast is that everything cooked well & fresh but not too sweet or salty!

With a leaf !

Croque Madame
My friends enjoyed their meal as well. Little next door served really great Quiche!

Last but not least, TRY THE DESSERT!!!
Three of us melted as soon as we ate Mille Feuille, again, they took a thousand of pictures of this...
Mmmmm, you don't even wanna say a word when you eat this :D
If you go there, MAKE SURE you take Baguette and Almond Croissant with you.
They will keep the Monday blue away from your house :) 
But I always finish them on Sunday night :P

I ordered:
English Breakfast Tea
Wild Mushroom Eggs Benedict
Chocolate Souffle
Friends ordered:
Croque Madame
Quiche Lorraine
Mille Feuille
Salted caramel macaron
Next time will try:
Coconut Cheesecake
Escargot (at night)
Mille Feuille

這家店白天是brunch  晚上有法式餐點  

一開始就被我的English Breakfast Tea 茶包嚇到
因為是立體的三角柱!!! 而且還有小小葉子在上面!!! 
男生們一直拍照拍到我茶都冷掉了而且我! 很! 渴!

然後我吃到LA最好吃的benedict了 因為他麵包不是一般的muffin
而是帶點略甜的小型法式土司!!! 配上新鮮蘑菇還有蛋汁 yum yum
你也會發現這家店的餐點份量並不會太大  吃完絕對還有肚子可以點甜點
不像Blu Jam法式土司好吃但好多  每次都肚子撐到破掉   打包回家又不好吃

兩位男士點的法式鹹派跟Croque小姐 也很法式噢 大家可以參考右邊圖片
鹹派超道地  很像南法的味道  Croque Madame 就是一片Croque加上起士跟半熟蛋超棒!!! 其實不需要Yelp(美國美食網)  只要多看大家都點什麼  然後跟著他們點就沒錯我們三人都互相share來share去 然後男生們又愛拍照很忙碌(我比較像男生吧?!)
我都只顧吃  放慢腳步享受美食阿阿阿  都來到法國小店了耶
隔壁桌客人應該覺得我們很大驚小怪   大呼小叫  但是這家店就是不斷給我們驚奇阿 跟出奇蛋一樣:D

每次吃飽完都會外帶法國麵包還有可頌回家  畢竟難得來一趟嘛
根本留不到明天      (難怪胃一直抗議它沒有休息  sorry胃小姐)
還有還有  這家店甜點也非常有名噢  (這裡到底哪樣東西不有名?!)
吃到千層派的時候  三個人頓時安靜  不想說話破壞味蕾
我真的不誇張拉  好好吃噢噢噢  不過記得要橫著切  或橫著咬  
幸好他們有聽我這個甜點達人給的小建議  不然全部會碎掉!!!
除了巧克力舒芙蕾一點點偏甜以外  其他都非常剛好(因為我怕甜 其他人應該都覺得不錯)
完全不甜不膩  跟我在法國吃到的甜點非常像

下次週末的中午  一起相約在Little Next Door吧 ;)

Little Next Door
(323) 951-1010 
8142 W 3rd StLos AngelesCA 90048


  1. Who's friend J... I think it's the best brunch I've ever had in LA(cos there is no decent brunch place in Riverside except Mission Inn Hotel). Anyway let's go there again after we go back. ;p
