February 3, 2013

[FOOD] dineLA at The Bazaar by José Andrés

我從去年就一直想來這間在比佛利山莊SLS Hotel裡的The Bazaar by José Andrés了!因為主廚José Andrés在美食屆有「鬼才」之稱啊~ 剛好這兩個禮拜(1/21-2/1)又到了一年會舉辦兩次的dineLA Restaurant Week活動,前幾次我每次都來不及定位,這次schedule一出來我就馬上定位,都不管到時候有沒有空,先把位子搶下來再說!!


先簡單介紹一下主廚José Andrés:他來自西班牙,15歲就開始他的廚藝人生。現在在國際上是個頗有知名度的主廚。不但經營著13間餐廳、還擁有兩個電視節目、出過兩本書、更曾榮得James Beard Award、必且也是Think Food Group的創辦人。Click here for more in-depth background他的食物風格都走向於tapas(西班牙小盤)及molecular gastronomy(這我不知道怎麼翻歡迎點看我的link嘻嘻)。

Photo Courtesy of Gourmet.com
走進了餐廳 I felt so overwhelmed,跟我想像中的高級餐廳完全不一樣耶!這裡...滿吵的哈哈哈哈一點也不是浪漫氣氛style。You really have to go there yourself to experience it! It's a mixture of a patisserie, a tapas bar, a museum, a nightclub, a furniture store, and a library! So I guess this kind of makes sense to call the restaurant a "bazaar" (市集) from all these interesting combination. :D 每一個corner、每一個turn都不一樣!

Photo Courtwww.theenglishroom.biz
Photo Courtesy of Forbes.com
Photo Courtesy of TheBazaar
Photo Courtesy of TheBazaar

這裡平常一盤都大概$10起跳,今天我們吃的$45 Prefix menu可以選五道菜,所以我們三個人各點不同的tapas一起share :)

Specialty cocktail也是這裡的 must try。噱頭比較大的是Magic Mojito...我看很多人有點。When it arrives你的酒杯是一沱棉花糖然後服務生會直接在你面前倒酒進去。Visually it's very aesthetically pleasing但review很兩極所以我們不太敢試。So we got these other two which are pretty great too! 右邊紅色的竟然還有一片Jalapeño所以酒是辣的!超妙的~

Left: Jose Gimlet (Bombay Sapphire and fresh lime heart)
Right: Jale Berry (Fresh blackberries, gin, Cointreau and a slice of Jalapeño)


Philly Cheesesteak (Air bread, cheddar, Wagyu beef)
Hilly Cheesesteak (Air bread, cheddar, royal trumpet mushroom)

Japanese Taco
Grilled eel, shiso, cucumber, wasabi, chicharron

Baby Scallop Ceviche
Jicama, tomato pine nuts, seawater dressing

Left: Mediterranean Mussels
Olive oil, vinegar, pimento
Right: Dungeness Crab
Pipirrana, Andalusian vegetables

Sauteed shrimp
Garlic, guindilla pepper

Braised Wagyu beef cheeks
California citrus

Sea Scallops
Romesco sauce

Brussel sprouts
Lemon puree, apricots, grapes, lemon air

Seared Strauss veal loin
Local onions, cippolini, scallions

Ice cream and sorbet

Traditional Spanish Flan
Vanilla and fruit

Pan Con Chocolate
Chocolate flan with caramelized bread, olive oil and brioche ice cream

每一道菜都好美!不管是擺設或是使用的mixture of ingredients,我覺得舌頭上的每個味蕾都有被刺激到。舉例來說:那盤應該很正常的brussel sprouts蔬菜裡居然有水果而且上面的lemon air就像蛋糕上的mousse一樣... it's not something you'd commonly have in other restaurants. But it tasted so good together! I guess that's the wonder of molecular gastronomy ;)


The Bazaar隔壁又是另一間José Andrés的餐廳Tres。這次也有在dineLA上(我本來也有定位)只不過他推出的中午套餐要$25卻只有兩道菜,沒有甜點真小氣,所以就取消定位了。

Omg但裡面也太 美 了,是我的菜!!!!看來改天再來試試他的brunch囉;)

The Bazaar外面好像還有一小區塊是分給SAAM的。I'm already confused enough walking into The Bazaar anyway...


All in all, I had an "ok" time dining at The Bazaar, I'm not sure I'd be going back again :( My eyes were very busy looking around at the different deco and my taste buds were highly stimulated. Yet, I was still hungry when I left!!! 我大概只有四分(滿分十分)飽吧!而且我食量很小耶... 我們本來有想要再多點一兩盤,只不過一盤簡單的salami+prosciutto就要$33... 如果想吃tapas的話我認真的覺得Pasadena的Racion還比較好吃!而且價錢也沒有這麼的不合裡哈哈哈哈。改天我在找機會來介紹一下Racion :)

The Bazaar
Categories: Spanish, Lounges
Address: SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills. 465 S La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (310)246-5567
Website: http://www.thebazaar.com

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